Resolving Issues

At Checkatrade, we pride ourselves on the high standards each of our featured tradespeople agree to uphold. Each business on our site is vetted and reviewed to enable our customers the opportunity to find a reliable trader. However, we recognise from time to time things can go wrong. What’s important is how any issues are tackled and we expect our members to make every effort to discuss your concerns and handle your complaint appropriately.

How to resolve issues

By choosing Checkatrade to source your tradespeople, you will have access to the support network our company provides where our experienced team of customer service experts will be on hand to provide you with advice you might need if things don’t go to plan. We will be able to communicate with yourselves and the tradesperson in question, with the aim to resolve any issues which cannot be directly solved between you; giving you extra peace of mind.​

If you have any reason to complain about the work of one of our members there are three steps that may help you to resolve your issues

Step 1 - Contact the Tradesperson

As soon as you are aware there is a potential issue contact the trader who arranged the work.

Many trades will take this opportunity to rectify the issue

  • Explain your concerns and the reasons you are not happy
  • Discuss what actions can be undertaken to rectify the situation
  • Allow the trade the opportunity to rectify the mistakes
  • Set a final deadline date

It's a good idea to:

  • Gather any paperwork and reciepts
  • Take photos to use as evidence of the problem
  • Make notes about what's happened, this could be an email or letter to the trade, starting a paper trail is important should you wish to take the complaint further at a later date

Remember, when talking to the trade be precise, remain calm and courteous. See further advice on what to do when you have a complaint about a tradesperson here

Step 2 - Checkatrade Support

Checkatrade are here to support by working in partnership with you and the tradesperson to encourage a suitable resolution

  • Please start by leaving a review
  • If your own efforts to address your concerns with the trades were not sucessful, then we are happy to contact the trade on your behalf and seek to understand what action can be taken. Our members know that unsatisfied customers can leave a negative review that will be published on their profile page and are therefore usually eager to resolve any issues.
  • The tradesperson will be notified of all negative reviews and for more serious issues they will be given 7 days to respond. Your review will be published on their profile page for all future consumers to see.
  • We can assist you by offering advice, pointing you in the right direction or offering our free Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme via Trading standards for more serious matters.
  • In the event one of our members falls short of The Checkatrade Standard, membership may be suspended or terminated.

With Checkatrades support, there is a greater chance of a resolution being achieved. We are here to advise both parties on any possible next steps

Step 3 - Additional Options

In the unlikely event that you were unable to resolve your issue using steps 1 & 2 the following options can be followed;

  • Following our complaints process, if you are still unhappy with the resolution you may wish to take your complaint further, Checkatrade can refer your issue to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme that is operated by the Trading Standards
  • We encourage you to speak to the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpine on 0808 2231133 or online at They are supported by local authorities and by the Department of Trade

Your reviews and experiences are important to us, they ensure we only keep the right members on board at Checkatrade.

Checkatrade Complaints Policy

**To initiate our Complaints process, click here to leave your review **

  • We publish negative reviews and give the trade a chance to put serious complaints right and allow 7 days for this. We have found that this usually results in a much better outcome for you​

  • For serious complaints after 7 days your review is published. All trades are given the opportunity to respond to reviews with a Right of Reply which is published alongside your review​

  • We are unable to publish anonymous reviews due to notifying our members of any reviews received as detailed above. In the event that you wish to remain anonymous to our member we do still encourage you to notify us of your experience to ensure we can monitor how trades are conducting themselves and their business​

  • We may request documentation in order to assist us further. This could be quotes/invoices, a contract or proof of payment as well as any pictures and reports. Exchanges between both parties are useful as we can act on what we receive.​

  • Issues should be raised within 24 months of the work being undertaken (unless a guarantee or warranty is in place)​

  • Please refer to our ‘Terms of Use’ for our guide on uploading content to the Checkatrade website​

  • Once a satisfactory resolution is reached you may choose to continue to publish your original review or alternatively you can withdraw your comments by notifying us

Leave a review

To initiate our complaints process, click here to leave your review